Critical Book Clubbin
Raphael et al. (1992), “Literature instruction had focused on learning the “correct” interpretation, understanding how texts were structure and how they communicated their meaning.” (p. 54). This was something that I experienced during my time in school, where at times we were not looking for anything other than what the book was saying…and if we did not get that correct… we were incorrect. However, the issue with this notion and practice is that people interpret texts different as each of us have unique identities, experiences, etc. that ensures our interpretation of texts (or anything) is going to be, in some ways or another, unique. Thus, “More recently, reader response criticism has favored emphasizing the readers’ experiences as the source of meaning .” (p. 54) Raphael et al. (1992) introduces the ideas/concept of book clubs and explains that these focus on the individual perception/interpretation, sense making… and that “Reading has become more than a place to read silent...